If your question is not answered below, please contact us at: designhoja@gmail.com and we will do our best to help you. 


How much are your covers?

Our custom ebook cover design packages are are:

Custom Cover Package One: $300.00

Custom Cover Package Two: $400.00

Custom Cover Package Three: $500.00

What do I get when the project is complete?

You will receive PDF or JPG files for each of the (Print On Demand / DigItal / Audible) platforms / formats you select upon ordering. Each PDF file will be carefully formatted according to the specifications of the platform selected.

(Examples of Platforms: Amazon KDP, Apple iBooks, Kobo, DraftToDigital, Smashwords, Audible etc)

If I want a cover in a format not listed, can you do it?

Yes, absolutely. Just include the format you want on the Design Questionnaire and we will be happy to help you. (Note: This applies to digital formats and Print On Demand formats only as we do not currently provide covers for conventionally published covers.)

If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact us and we will let you know if what you want is available.

How do I start the process?

If you’re interested in a custom cover, simply select and purchase the pre-made or custom cover package you want.

Next we’ll send you a Design Questionnaire.

The questionnaire will ask you general questions about your book (such as story synopsis, genre, etc.)

It will also ask for specific details such as for descriptions of you main character(s), setting etc and for a list of things that must be included on your cover (an important magical object for example or a pet.)

It will also ask if you have any examples of book covers in your genre you are drawn to, and what you like about them.

This will help us get a better idea of the direction you have in mind for your cover (stark, atmospheric, dramatic, haunting colorful, simple, complex, etc.)

Finally it will as you for information about the publishing partners / formats you wish to publish in.

Once we receive the design questionnaire and payment for the cover design package you’ve chosen, we’ll start the design process.

I’m not precisely sure what I want my cover to look like, can I still order a custom cover?

Absolutely! We will work closely with you, using details provided by you about your book and its genre to create a cover that that fully represents your story within the contexts of its genre.

(Don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging with a design you don’t like. Our goal is to get you the cover you want within reasonable expectations.)

How soon can I expect my new cover?

For custom covers, the process takes approximately two weeks to produce a first concept of design from the time we receive the Design Questionnaire.

You will generally receive an initial design within fourteen days of us beginning the process. After that, the timeline will depend on how may revisions need to be done.

You can help speed up the timeline by being as specific as possible on your Design Questionnaire and Revision Feedback. In addition, the sooner we receive the questionnaire and revision feedback the more quickly you will receive your completed cover. In an ideal situation, therefore, it is possible to receive a completed cover in 2-3 days.

If you need a cover to be completed more quickly, please contact us prior to purchasing a cover package, and we will see what we can do to expedite the process.

For pre-made covers, expect a completed cover within 5-7 days of us receiving the Design Questionnaire. You will generally receive an initial design within 2-3 of us receiving your questionnaire. After that, the timeline will depend on how may revisions need to be done.

You can help speed up the timeline by being as specific and timely as possible on your Design Questionnaire and Revision Feedback.

If you need a cover to be completed more quickly or have a specific deadline to meet, please contact us prior to purchasing a pre-made cover and we will see what we can do to expedite the process.

How do I contact you?

You can use our Contact Form to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. You can also contact us at: DesignHoja@gmail.com 

What is your usual availability?

We are pretty flexible; it all depends on how many projects we have going at the same time. If you have a specific deadline that needs to be met, feel free to contact us in advance to make certain we can meet it for you.

What genres do you work with?

We are happy to work in all genres, however we reserve the right to refuse to work on books that appear to be spreading hate or false information.

I don’t like the pre-made cover design I chose, can I have a refund?

All sales are final. Because these are customized, digital products we don't offer refunds on any purchases.

However before you accept the final cover, you will have the chance to review the updated cover art and make revisions, so that you can make sure you are satisfied with the final product.

What size / formats will my cover be?

You will receive your cover in each of the formats that you have chosen on your Design Questionnaire. Each file will be perfectly formatted according to the specifications provided by platforms (KDP, iBooks, Kobo etc) you have selected.

Can I purchase the ebook and Print on Demand covers now and upgrade to a Print Cover at a later date?

We do not currently offer this option, however we are hoping to do so in the near future.

Can I make changes to my cover after I have received my completed file(s)?

Should you wish to change an aspect of your design post completion, please at DesignHoja@gmail.com  There will generally be an additional charge for this.

My page count has changed. Can you adjust the Print on Demand spines accordingly?

Yes we can. However, there may be an additional charge of $20 for any trim size/page count adjustments if your request comes after our design work has been completed / finalized.

Can you reserve a pre-made cover for me?

If you would like us to hold a cover for you, full payment is required.

Can I use a working title until I’ve completed my book?

Yes. If you'd like to purchase one of our covers you can use a temporary title until the book is completed. There is no additional charge for this service, providing your book title is changed prior to the finalization of the files.

Can you change the picture in the design for me?

All changes depend on the image chosen as some images lend themselves better to particular types of changes than others.

In general we are able to do basic color changes and the addition and removal of objects on most images, however more in depth changes such as the addition / change, or removal of clothing from a model in the image, depends on the nature of the particular image(s) involved, and complex changes may incur additional charges due to the additional design time involved.

If you have particular changes in mind, please feel free to contact us in advance for details.

Do you design book covers for KDP?

Yes we do. We also provide a cover, back and spine for the KDP Print on Demand option in addition to the digital cover. Just be sure to indicate you’d like the KDP Print on Demand option on the Design Questionnaire.

I have purchased my own ISBN number. Can you place it on the cover?

Yes we can.

Do you edit the text provided for the back and front of a cover?

This is not a service we offer formally. We do, however, check to see that the text we’ve included on the front, back and spine of the cover matches the text you’ve provided us with and if we notice that something appears to be off we will contact you to double check that it’s correct.

It’s always a good idea to be certain that you double check all the text on the cover during each stage of the revision process.

Can I see a Mockup of my cover before I submit my payment?

We are exceptionally busy and are unable to provide mockups prior to purchase, however, for pre-made covers mockups are provided on the website so that you can get an idea of what your cover will look like in digital and hard copy.

For Custom Covers, mockups will be provided along with the main file during the revision process so that you can better envision your final cover.

Can I use the same cover for subsequent books in my series?

Due to licensing restrictions, we are unable to use the same image for use in subsequent books in a series. We will happily match covers so they tie together by using the same font(s) and/or similar images from the same photographer.

Can you provide me with the PSD file once my cover is complete?

Because of licensing issues, we do not provide editable, layered PSD files of our covers. Should you require an adjustment to your cover after completion, please contact us. We try to all of our original files and we will be happy to discuss any changes you require.

Collapsible Do you do cover redesigns / revamps?

If you already have a book cover design but would like to give it a revamp, (depending on licensing issues) we may be able to help. Prices for this service start from $60 depending on the amount of design work involved. Please contact us at: DesignHoja@gmail.com for further information.

Will you design a cover to match the cover of another book in a series?

Absolutely! Just provide us with images of the other books in the series and a list of the elements you’d like included as well as with as much information as you have about fonts used for the title, author name, tagline etc and we’ll do our best to match it.

I would like to change my author name / title. Can you do this?

Prior to the finalization of the cover, we are happy to make changes to your cover free of charge (within the stated number of revision rounds).

Please contact us for details if you require changes to a completed design. If your cover was finalized over 12 months ago, or your book has been available online, there are some adjustments we will be unable to provide due to licensing issues.

Do I owe sole rights to the photograph used in the cover design?

No, but you DO own sole rights to the actual cover design we produce for you.

Collapsible Can I sell / gift the cover I purchased from you to another person?

No. The cover design is licensed to the person whose name is on the design contract. If you wish to gift a cover to another person, their name would need to be on the contract.

I live abroad. Can I still order a book cover from you?

Yes of course! We welcome customers from all over the world and are happy to discuss your book cover requirements.

Do you offer unlimited revisions?

No. We no longer offer unlimited revisions. We are dedicated to working closely with you to design a cover that you are happy with, but we ask that you be as specific and detailed as possible in your design questionnaire and revision requests in order to respect the time of our designer.

Will anyone else be able to buy the same cover design?

No. When you purchase a cover from us, it is removed from the site and will not be offered for sale by us again. As with most book cover designers, we do use stock photography, but make changes to these  images whenever possible to create book cover designs that are unique and will help your book sell.

Are there any restrictions on using my cover design?

You may sell up to 500,000 hard copies (Print on Demand) copies of your book without any restrictions whatsoever. Should your book become incredibly successful and you sell more than 500,000 copies, an Enhanced License would then be required. The cost of an enhanced license is US$100 per stock  image used in your cover. Therefore, if 5 images are used in your cover an enhanced license would cost US$ 500. (This is connected to the licensing of stock images and their providers and the price is therefore non-negotiable.)

How often are new book covers uploaded to the site?

We add new book cover designs at least once a month.

Will you read my book?

No, we will not read your book before creating your cover design; however, we will gladly read a synopsis or any excerpts you choose to include in the Design Questionnaire.

Do you offer discounts for series bookings?

We do periodically offer series discounts. Please subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on instagram to take advantage of these offers.

Will you make design adjustments to a pre-made cover?

It depends on the design adjustments. Changes to text elements in terms of text, font, placement and color are always available on pre-made covers. Inserting additional text elements such as taglines, awards and laurels is also available.

Other small adjustments such as color changes and object insertion or removal may also be available to free of charge. This largely depends on the image(s) involved.

Large or complex changes (such as dragons)  may be available for a fee.

Please feel free to contact us should you wish to confirm that a particular change is available for the cover you have selected and whether or not there will be additional charges for those change(s).

Do you offer payment plans.

No, not currently. 

Who should I credit for my cover design?

All designs should be credited to: "Cover Design by: Nise of Hoja Designs | HojaDesigns.com"

Can I print my book cover on merchandise?

If you wish to print your book cover on merchandise such as tote bags, t-shirts, mugs, etc. please send us an email at: DesignHoja@gmail.com and we can provide you with the relevant details regarding licensing issues etc.

If I purchase a pre-made book cover, will someone else be able to buy it too?

No. We sell each book cover only once. The cover will automatically be removed from the catalog once the purchase transaction has been completed.

Can I purchase a pre-made book cover if I don't have all of the information (title, blurb, etc.) yet?

Yes, you can. When you check out, just leave a note that says you don’t have all of the information yet. You can put “TDB” in each of the fields where the information is unknown. Once you are ready with all of the information, contact us through the contact form, or send an email to: DesignHoja@gmail.com.

Can I purchase a cover now to use at a later date?

Yes, you can. When you check out, just leave a note that says you’re saving the cover to use later. You can put “TDB” in the fields if the information is unknown. Once you are ready with all of the information, contact us through the contact form, or send an email to: DesignHoja@gmail.com.

What kinds of things can I put in the back cover of the Print on Demand format ?

Anything you want: book synopsis, author information, author image, publisher info, etc.

Are the covers created with your own images?

No. Most of the book covers we create use stock images. Because of this, we cannot stop another cover designer from using the same stock image in their own covers. We do try to use images that haven’t been used often, or alternatively, to make changes to the original stock image, or combine them with other stock images so that the design will be more unique.

Collapsible When I buy a pre-made book cover, does that mean I have full ownership of it and can do whatever I want with it?

Not completely.

Unless specifically stated otherwise, we purchase stock images under a Standard License Agreement.

Under this type of license, there are no limitations on the number of times you can use the cover for ebooks, or other forms of digital reproduction including on websites, in online advertising, in social media, in mobile advertising, mobile "apps", software, e-cards, e-publications (e-books, e-magazines, blogs, etc.), email marketing and in online media (including on video-sharing services such as YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc., provide that the budget for such a production does not exceed US$ 10,000)

However, when it comes to printed versions of your book (including Print on Demand copies), physical advertising campaigns, or merchandising, there are still limitations.

Since our book covers are made using stock images, they are still bound to the terms of the stock image license(s). The ownership of the stock image themselves still belongs to the original creator. The book cover design that you buy, the derivative work that we create with your title and author name, is what you buy from me and can only be used by you.

These covers are bound by the limitations set forth in the stock image license. Most images are licensed under the Standard License. In regards to book covers, the main thing that might be of concern is the number of printed copies allowed.

The number of printed copies allowed, differs from stock image company to company but usually it’s “up to 500,000” printed copies in aggregate. After that, you would need to obtain the Extended/Enhanced Licenses of the stock images. You can do that through me.

Merchandising, (incorporating your cover image into merchandise intended for sale or promotional distribution (collectively "Merchandise"), including, without limitation, textiles, artwork, magnets, wall-art, calendars, toys, stationery, greeting cards, and any other physical reproduction for resale or distribution) also requires an enhanced license.

 Note: We believe that transparency is important so, when purchasing a book cover from us, you can request a list of the stock images used in the design if you want to look up and verify the license information.