Books Are Initially Judged by their Covers.


 You have a mere second or fraction of a second to catch a reader’s eye and convince them to read a blurb.

 An eye-catching cover that captures genre and communicates to the reader that your book is exactly what they want to read is crucial to a book’s success.

 At Hoja Designs, we understand that you as an author have put your heart and soul into your book and so we, as designers and avid book lovers, are committed to putting our hearts and souls into bringing to life a cover that fulfills your wildest expectations and personifies your work to the highest possible degree. 

 Whether you have a clear and exact idea of what you want or you are still in the process of figuring things out, we are here to support and guide you through the process. 

 As cover design specialists, we are both well versed in genre conventions and expectations, as well as in the rules and regulations regarding covers and cover art on various publishing platforms, and we will ensure that your cover does not land your book ‘in the basement’ unseen because of a cover design issue. 

 As a niche studio, we believe in personalized service and in developing the type of working relationships with our clients that allow us to give them the best of our skills. We also know that good communication is a key element in successful collaboration and have made it the foundation of our design process. 

 Simply put, we know that the better the communication between author and designer, the faster a quality cover can be created, and therefore, following our process you can expect to receive your completed cover within 30 days.